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Daisy's Universe - Email Privacy Statement


Email Privacy Statement

1. I provide an email link and a contact page for everyones convenience. Anyone is able to contact me with their Comments, Concerns, Suggestions, and Questions.

2. If you would like to contact me, please email me, or use my contact page. If you do try to contact me, please do not use any profanity, or slang. I will not accept any email with any such language.

3. Do not send me any advertisements of such. Such as Yahoo ads, and etc.

4. Do not try to make me join any such clubs. I have already joined my clubs.

5. Do not send me SPAM, or any chain letters. I have recieved many, many chain letters, and I just delete them.

6. Do not send me any porn, if anyone thinks it's funny, it's not.

7. The only email that I will except, is email concerning my page. Nothing else.

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Copyright © 2000-2004 Daisy's Universe. All Rights Reserved
This page was last updated on January 12, 2004 @ 08:30pm, Central Standard Time.
This site is maintained and operated by Laura