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Daisy's Universe...Kitty Facts

"Cats seem to go on the principal that it never hurts
to ask for what you want."

Joseph Wood Krutch

Kitty Facts

Did you know...

Owners should brush or comb a cat once a day to clean it and remove loose hairs.
At least once a day, a cat licks its paw and washes it's face with its wet paw.
The tips of cat's claws may be trimmed to prevent scratching or clawing.
Start early on grooming so your cat is easier to care for later on.
Swallowed hair caused by loose hairs can lead to hairballs. Hairballs can cause vomiting, gagging, and loss of appetite.
If a hairball cannot be coughed up, surgery may be required to remove it.
A small amount of mineral oil or petroleum jelly may be fed to a cat to prevent hairball formation.
Cats instinctively clean themselves.
Outdoor cats need to be bathed to cleanse soil build-up.
If cats are bathed once a month when they are kittens, they will become accustomed to water.
If necessary, owners may clean cats hair and teeth with a cloth.

The word cat refers to a family of meat-eating animals that include tigers, lions, leopards, and panthers.
Cats have personalties just like people. The most liked breeds of cats include the Siamese and the Persian.
Domestic cats and their wild relatives share many of the same characteristics and instincts.
When cats fall, they almost always land on their feet. I'm sure everyone knew that.
Cats have a keen sense of balance and can easily walk on narrow objects.
Cats see betters in the dim light than people do.

A litter usually has 3 to 5 kittens.
Some may live to reach 18 or 19 years and some have lived as long as 30 years.
A tomcat (male cat) can begin mating when he is between 7 and 10 months old.
Most healthy(indoor) cats live from 15 to 20 years.
Tomcats can mate at anytime, while queens can only mate during a period of time called heat or estrus.
Heat occurs several times a year and can last anywhere from 3 to 15 days.
The pregnancy period for a cat lasts about 9 weeks.
A queen (female cat) can begin mating when she is between 5 and 9 months old.
Newborn kittens cannot see or hear. They depend on their mother for food, cleansing, and protection.
Male cats play no role in caring for kittens.
Kittens begin to walk at about 3 weeks of age.
At 4 weeks, it is important to play with kittens so that they do not develop a fear of people.
The sounds a cat makes can mean various things like anger, pain, fear, etc.
Kittens remain with their mother till the age of 9 weeks.
Cats use sounds, body signals, and scents as means of communication.
It is estimated that cats can make over 60 different sounds.
Kittens open their eyes about 10 to 14 days after birth.

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