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Daisy's Universe...Puppy Love WebRing

"But the kitten, how she starts Crouches,
stretches, paws, and darts."

William Wordsworth

Puppy Love

Critaria to Join

Your site must not contain any porn of any sort.
Your page can be about dogs or cats.
You must have the webring on the
page you signed it up to be on.
Easily read by others.



You need to save the image below on your hard drive, by right clicking anywhere on the image then clicking on "Save Picture As."


Then you need to fill out the form below, after your done click on "Add this site to Puppy Love!"

Site Title:
Site URL:
Site Owner:
E~Mail Address:
Site Description:


And after you have put the fragment onto your page and uploaded the image, your webring should look like this.

This Puppy Love Net Ring owned by **Your Site**.

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Do you need to edit your info?
Just type in your site ID # and your password below.

Site ID #

Daiys's Universe is also the home of two other webrings.
I Adore Cute Kittens and We Love Our Cats

Daisy's Universe Banner

I got my Background, Strawberry Bullets, and Strawberry Dividers from Graphic

Copyright © 2000-2004 Daisy's Universe. All Rights Reserved.
This page was last updated on February 01, 2004 @ 12:21pm, Central Standard Time.
This site is maintained and operated by Laura