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Did you know that a number one cause of illness in our dogs is poor dental care? Its true. This is according to studies performed by the AVDS (American Veterinary Dental Society. Does your dog have bad breath? How about yellow teeth? If so, its time to take action.

Its not that difficult to prevent major Periodontal Disease(Tarter build up can cause space between the teeth and the gums. Bacteria gathers and grows in these spaces. At this point it is irreversible and can be very painful for your dog. He/She can even lose their teeth.) If you dog gets to this point, the bacteria can build up so much that it can effect other major organs in his body. YOU DO NOT WANT IT TO GET TO THIS POINT!

How can I prevent Periodontal Disease? Just like us, our dogs need regular dental care. If you get a puppy or an older dog, first you must get them used to brushing of their teeth. To start with first just massage the gums with your fingers. When the dog is used to this, add the toothbrush with some toothpaste and do some of the teeth. At this point your dog may not mind and you can brush all their teeth. If not, each time you brush just brush a few more. Routinely brushing your dog's teeth can remove the plaque that forms from food particles and bacteria along the gum line.

If plaque is not brushed away then tartar forms. Tartar adheres to the teeth. Tartar can cause inflammation of the gum lines. You may notice bad breath and inflamed gums. At this point, it is necessary for a dentist to perform a cleaning with special instruments to remove the tartar.

It is a good idea to have your vet examine your dog's teeth yearly. In that way, if they need to be professionally cleaned you can schedule an appointment for that. This requires your dog to be anesthetized so that the teeth can be cleaned thoroughly.

Remember it is much better to take good care of your dog's teeth throughout his/her life rather than waiting till they have Periodontal disease and it is too late to fix.