Cherokee Blessing
Contributed by Elfin Wolf
Blessing Way O Great One,
I come before you in a
humble manner,
giving thanks for all living
things in Creation.
I offer the clarity
of my mind, body, spirit
and natural space in
prayer to you,
O Great One, for the
Spirit of all Creation.
I offer thanks and what
gifts I have to Four Sacred Directions
powers of the universe and I pray:
To the spirit of fire in the East,
To the spirit of Earth in the South,
To the spirit of Water in the West,
To the Spirit of Wind in the North.
I pray and give thanks
to you O Great One.
I pray and give thanks
to Mother Earth, Father Sky,
Grandfather Sun,
Grandmother Moon,
and all of our relations in the
Greater Circle of
I thank you for your power,
energy, wisdom and sacred gifts,
without you and
the guidance of all my relations,
I would not be able
to live,
and love, and grow,
and feel and learn.
I ask that I be shown
another way if I have ever harmed
or hurt other
living things.
I pray, offering what gifts
I have, that you may guide us,
heal us,
purify us, and protect us.
I pray for all of our relations
that we may exist together
in harmony
and balance.
"Wah Doh".