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Other Hash Contacts

If you are needing assistance on the Hash Family,

that extrends beyond Lemuel Whaley Hash.

Please contact any of the people on this list, as

they are willing to help with the Hash line.

Just send them an email and they will get back with

you as soon as they can.

Richard Johnson who was the Editor of

The Hash Family Newsletter will be glad to help

anyone who needs additional information on

the HashFamily beyond Lemuel and Ellen Hash.

Click here to Email Richard

Reene Scott her Hash Family Ties in through

Sarah Ellen Hash to Alfred Hash to

James Hash to Thomas Hash to 'Old' John Hash

Reene also has a complete set of

The Hash Family Historian

Click here to email Reene

Sherry Goble is another Hash Family researcher

who has offered her services to anyone who may need them.

Click here to Email Sherry

Donalyn Dickson a Hash Family Researcher

Donalyn comes into the Hash Family through Elmer Ray Hash,

son of Lemuel and Ellen Hash. Hash is one of her direct lines,

so She will have further information on the Hash Family beyond

Lemuel and Ellen Hash.

Click here to Email Donalyn

If you would like to be added to this page of Other Hash Contacts

Please send me an email and I will be glad to post you on here.

Hash Family Helpful Sites

These links will take you out of my site

Click on them to get to that site

Rootsweb Hash Message Board

The Hash Family:A Family Webste


Last Updated 20 February 2006

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