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catangelpin.gif ~ ~FOREVER MEMORIALS ~ ~ catangelpin.gif


DECEMBER 25, 1983 - SEPTEMBER 01, 2002


~Our Purrs are coming mewr way-
to grant mew strength~
Praying the Great Cat Spirit will tenderly
guide and bless you~
with all the things He knows you need~
today, tomorrow and always~


Lord take this pet if it be your will
She's so young and small and she's so ill
Don't let her suffer we ask you please
Take this little soul and set our mind at ease.

Guide her to Heaven where she'll be at home
Where with all the other animals ~
She can play and roam.
Playing all day up in the meadows above;
Cradled in YOUR arms covered with YOUR love.

With no more aches and no more pains.
She'll play in bright sunshine, no more rain
WE'LL see her again; we know we will
So take her LORD if it be your will!
John Quealy


Hear our humble prayer, O GOD,
for our friends, the animals ~
especially for those who are suffering:
for any that are lost or deserted
or frightened or hungrey.

We entreat for them all
Thy mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them,
we ask a heart of compassion
and gentle hands and kindly words.

Make us, ourselves,
to be true friends to animals
and to share the blessings
of the merciful.
Albert Schweitzer

Chloe has lived a full life,
of nineteen years...
Chloe joins her siblings Jennie
and Cindy at the Rainbow Bridge..

Chloe is sadly missed by her
siblings, Nickolas and Jasmine
her meowmie Barbara and grandmewie Clara

Chloe favorites toys were a black velvet
with bright-colored legs, and a sausage
that she used as a pillow.

Chloe would alwayz let her meowmie Barbara
know when it was time to eat.. and would come
to get her and lead her to her food bowl.
Chloe would not eat, until her mewomie
sit on the floor besides her, and they butt heads.
Once, this was done, Chloe knew she could eat,
while her meowmie sit there besides her..
to make sure that no one else
would try to get her food!

Another little game, Chloe like to play
was to reach under the door, to grab
the dust mop, az it was being used next
to the door!... She got to be good at this!

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