Who is Talon Travis?![]() PCPD's newest addition is on a misson. He is out to solve the biggest mystery of them all - who is he?
![]() Talon Travis arrived in Port Charles to seek out Serena Baldwin. He was sure that her father had clues to his identity, but no one knew where Scott Baldwin was. He began to pressure Serena into helping him find Scott but she was unsure. Talon also met Sage Alcazar quite by accident but became smitten with her. He asked her on a date, which she warily accepted. The niece of a gun runner usually does not go out with a cop. She wanted to see what he was really up - and to head him off from going after Uncle Lorenzo. She went out a few dates with him - and they both kept running into Serena. It was clear that Talon also had feelings for the blonde. It was also clear that Sage and Serena were not going to get along! |
![]() Sage was out for a walk with Talon when he suddenly had a piercing pain in his head - accompanied by a flash of a memory. She was concerned and asked him to go to the hospital but he refused. He went to work and she ran into Georgie Jones, a fellow model for Brenda's new Sugar and Spice line. After speaking with Mac, Talon left the police station, and on during his drive home decided to call Sage. He was asking her to go for a date when he experienced another flash of a memory and extreme pain. His vechicle hit some ice and skidded into the lake. Sage overheard it all and quickly came with Georgie. With Mac's help, they were able to free Talon and send him to the hospital. Serena had arrived on the scene and offered to take a freezing Sage to her home to get changed into something warm. |
![]() Whatever her original intentions were, Serena quickly managed to infuriate Sage and vice versa. Serena told Sage that she was interested in Talon as well and would do anything to get him! Then she pushed Sage! Not one to sit back, Sage slapped Serena across the face. Serena countered by punching Sage and then repeatedly smashing her head against the floor. When Sage managed to push her attacker off, she had a very distinct plan in mind. There was nothing she wanted more than to beat the snot of out the other woman but she held back. Instead she called the police, knowing full well that Serena would be charged with assault since she had started the physical fight. Serena called Mac with a story of her own and then tried to sneak out to see Talon. Mac arrived in time to stop her and dragged both of them down to the station to get the real story. Sensing the truth was going to come out anyway, Serena confessed that she had attacked Sage first and then made up a story to cover it. Sage was surprised that Serena had told the truth but refused to show any mercy. She pressed charges and had Serena thrown in jail. Serena's mother, Lucy Coe was left to call a lawyer while Sage slipped out of the station to see Talon. |
![]() Sage arrived at the hospital and the two began to discuss all Talon could remember so far. They realized that Helena Cassadine figured heavily in all the flashbacks. Sage promised to do anything she could to help him. Serena arrived, having been let out on bail, and the two women immediately prepared for a fight. It was interrputed by a phone call from Scott Baldwin. He was alive! He was about to tell Serena the truth about Talon but got cut off. Serena immediately blamed Talon for her father's troubles. Sage defended him and the trio realized they would have to track him down. The wanted help though. Someone who knew and understood Helena Cassadine. They wanted Luke Spencer! |
![]() Serena left to call Luke, while Sage and Talon arranged to use Lorenzo's plane to fly to Russia and find Scott. Talon told Sage he loved her, and Sage was overwhelmed. She had never had love before...only loss. She wanted to tell him she was in love with him but was afraid. Talon let it go for now. He would help her realize that she could love him. The two were kissing when Serena arrived, and she was taken aback by the display of emotion. They all ended up at Luke's, who was more than glad to help take down Helena. Before they could leave on their trip Sage found an invitation to the masquerade and realized Helena was in town. They decided to confront Helena instead of running around the world. Serena was alarmed when she received a text message threatening her father's life! |
![]() Talon and Sage went to Helena's masquerade party. It soon became apparent that Helena had a huge announcement to make regarding Talon. In front of everyone she proclaimed that Talon was a Cassadine, something Talon thought would happen. Sage was not convinced and grilled Helena on the details. Helena stuck to her story - Talon was the son of Stefan. It started to sink in when Scott Baldwin burst into the room, looking ragged from his captivity. He had a different story - the true story. Talon was the son of Luke and Laura conceived when Helena stole a sperm cells from Luke and egg cells from Laura. Everyone was stunned! |
![]() Luke arrived to the party and was told what happened. He was sure how to react - he considered Talon a Helena creation. Talon too felt like he was some sort of monster. Nikolas, Lulu, and Lucky also joined the crowd surrounding the newest Spencer. Only Bobbie seemed to be able to think straight. She wanted to assure him that he was not a monster. And she wanted to bring the family together so they could get to know one another. She suggested a family dinner and she is going to make sure that everyone sticks to it. Everyone managed to cool down and Talon and Sage left together to relax. |
This storyline feeds into Spencer Rebirth