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Phylum Mollusca

Phylum Mollusca

General Information

  • All have a true coelom - fluid-filled cavity within the mesaderm.
    advantages: body wall muscles contract without hindering the movement of food in through gut.
  • Most have a trochopore - the larval stage of development.

    Diagram of a Mollusca.


    Class Gastropoda

    Sea Slug

    1. Largest & most diverse class.
    2. Univalve - 1 shell.
    3. Protection - allows gastropod to pull its head into the mantle cavity when threatened.

    Class Bivalvia


    1. Bivalve - two valves or halves.
    2. Pearl - irritant gets inside shell, mantle coats it with a secretion known as mother of pearl.
    3. Feeding - filter feed.

    Class Cephalopoda


    1. Large, well-developed head
    2. Circulatory system - (closed) - blood circulates in vessels.
    3. Jaw (parrot beak) - kill & eat prey.

    What do I find most interesting about this phylum?
    I like this phylum because this was the phylum that squids were in. I think they are really awesome animals!

    Works Cited

    "MOLLUSCA - THE MOLLUSKS (CLAMS, SNAILS, CEPHALOPODS ET AL.)" Lamont - Doherty Earth Observatory. 12 April 2002. Online. 14 May 2004.

    "Phylum Mollusca." The Biognomen. Online. 14 May 2004.

    "Phylum Mollusca." Bellarmine University. Online. 14 May 2004.

    "Phylum Mollusca" Allegany County Public Schools. Online. 14 May 2004.