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Isla Nublar Productions

Welcome to the Isla Nublar Productions website! This site will have diostories as well as dioramas with various Jurassic Park toys. Currently as of now no dioramas are up, and won't be anytime soon, but please keep checking! This site will be updated very frequently! Also, note that none of the site's pages are up, but they will be soon!

Site Directory:



In The Works

Coming Soon


Special Thanks

Copyrights & Legal Notices:

This site is a fansite dedicated to Jurassic Park (sort of) and taking it to further heights. This site is in no way associated with any official JP sources and is not official in anyway. This site and all of the stories on this site are totally unofficial and are all fan-made (as are the graphics/images). It is in no way affiliated with Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, nor Hasbro/Kenner toys. It is simply just a fansite here for your entertainment.

Also, please do not take anything from this site without asking. You are free to link this site on your site(s) and tell others about it but if you see something you'd like to use please e-mail the webmaster for permission. Thank you. Also, please do not steal any ideas from the site nor copy anything.

Jurassic Park Movies:

Jurassic Park (1993) - Copyright Universal Pictures & Amblin Entertainment

The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) - Copyright Universal Pictures & Amblin Entertainment

Jurassic Park III (2001) - Copyright Universal Pictures & Amblin Entertainment

Jurassic Park Novels:

Jurassic Park (1990) - Copyright Michael Crichton & Ballantine Books

The Lost World (1995) - Copyright Michael Crichton & Ballantine Books

Jurassic Park Toys:

Jurassic Park: Series 1 & 2 (1993/1994) - Copyright Hasbro/Kenner Toys

The Lost World: Jurassic Park: Series 1 & 2 (1997/1998) - Copyright Hasbro/Kenner Toys

Jurassic Park III: Wave 1 & 2 (2001) - Copyright Hasbro Toys

Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect (1998) - Copyright Hasbro Toys

Jurassic Park: Dinosaurs (2000) - Copyright Hasbro Toys

Jurassic Park is a registered trademark of Universal Pictures & Amblin Entertainment.