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A Hero's Soul

Title of Your Page Jacqueline’s Junque


None of us can ever know
What fate will have in store,
Or if we can meet the challenge
And give that something more.

Will we possess the courage?
Will we think the price too high?
Do we have the strength within us,
When destiny meets our eye?

Can we rise up to meet the moment?
Not give in to hesitation?
We can never really know until
Faced with the situation.

For the men of flight 93,
Last year in early September,
They faced their final destiny,
Now we will always remember.

And in those final moments,
With resolve and great control,
They showed an entire Nation
What lies in a hero's soul.


This page is dedicated to these heroes

Todd Beamer and Tom Burnett

Mark Bingham and Jeremy Glick

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/Lets_Roll_.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Let's Roll"
by Barry Preston

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