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A Promise To Remember

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Jacqueline’s Junque


It is a time to remember,
and reflect on all we have learned.
To honor our Nation's great heroes,
with the respect that they have earned.

No words that I can write here,
can even say in part;
Just how deep run my emotions,
or the burden on my heart.

You see, I love this Nation
and for what it may be worth,
I stand upon my belief she is
the greatest land on earth!

I too watched in horror,
on that dark day in September;
And with my fellow countrymen,
I know this is a time to remember.

To pray for all the families,
left buried in their grief,
Who carry with them the terror,
and have yet to find relief.

To stand behind our leaders,
with great courage, faith and pride;
Doing all that I can do
to keep freedom's hope alive!

I'll wave my banner proudly,
and in my heart recall;
Those mighty men and women
who on that day did fall.

Not just in honor of one day,
the eleventh of September;
But each and every day I live,
I promise to remember!

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