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America.... Still Stands

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Jacqueline’s Junque


History teaches our forefathers
Fought a revolution,
To secure for us our liberty,
Then signed the constitution;
To guard us all from tyranny,
So the future could be saved;
In these United States of America,
The home of the free and the brave.

And what of us, fellow countrymen?
Have we labored endlessly?
Do we still posses our honor?
Is our nation brave and free?
The land that we believe we own,
We do no more than rent,
If we fail to lift our voices,
On how our money's spent.

Ask yourself about our schools?
Do they really educate?
What values are they teaching?
Is it according to the state?
What of our paper money?
Is it worth it's weight in gold?
Or have we traded all our values,
So our lives can be controlled?

Now ask your public servants,
Do they uphold their word?
Do you make them accountable,
For the oath they have incurred?
Can we regain the freedom,
For which men fought and died?
Do we still have the courage?
Do we still possess the pride?

Sons and daughters of this nation,
We must rise and take a stand,
Defending our constitution,
As the Supreme Law of our land.
Let's protect this great Republic,
And all our inalienable rights!
Let us raise our banner proudly,
Keeping freedom burning bright!

We must all join in together,
Our voice heard throughout the land,
"We are taking back our nation,
America.... still stands!"

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is prohibited by federal law.
Written By 2001 to 2005
All Rights Reserved

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/RandyTravis[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "America, Will Always Stand"
by Randy Travis

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