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Brave New Spirit

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Jacqueline’s Junque


We need a new spirit, America,
One that reflects what we love;
Our freedoms, our nation, the blessings
This land has received from above.

Now is not the time for us
To ignore our country's plight,
Instead let's ban together
And join her in the fight.

We all need to remember
True freedom has a great cost,
And if we do not heed it,
Our liberties could all be lost.

It is up to everyone of us,
To take a stand and do our part,
Sometimes this calls for sacrifice,
And the giving from our heart.

Those who have gone before us
Never once thought it a mistake,
To give all they had for freedom,
Living and dying for it's sake.

Let us now pick up the banner,
And fly it higher than ever before,
With a brand new spirit, America...
United forevermore!

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/TheresAnEagle[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "There's An Eagle"

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