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A Christmas Of
Red, White & Blue

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Jacqueline’s Junque


Though trees are decorated,
And gifts are wrapped with care,
A sadness gently lingers
For the loved one who's not there.

Children without their father,
A mother feeling alone,
At Christmas time when soldiers
Are far away from home.

Across a massive ocean
Or upon dry desert sand,
At Christmas there's a loneliness
Some may not understand.

The military family
Whose loved one chose to serve
Must often face the holidays
With less than they deserve.

As they are called to duty
Sometimes on foreign shores,
We all should be reminded
What proudly they stand for.

This year as we all gather
To celebrate the season,
Let's not forget our countrymen
Protecting all our freedoms.

Remember them all in our prayers,
Comfort their families, too
Till we bring them all home safely,
To a Christmas of red, white and blue.

With the war against terrorism still ongoing,
many of our nation's military are being called
upon as never before.
This holiday season, please keep them and the
families they leave behind in your prayers.
May God bless each and everyone of them.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/atchristmastime.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "At Christmas Time"
by Mariah Carey

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