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Grandma's Prayers

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Jacqueline’s Junque


The time I spent with Grandma,
Was full of hope and light.
Days of love and comfort,
Tender prayers in the night.

As I lay in the darkness,
Drifting off in dream-filled sleep,
I listened to her whispered words
For those her Lord to keep.

She mentioned all her children,
And all their little ones,
Not one would she pass over,
Every daughter, ever son.

Some were spoken with great hurt,
For at times her love was scorned,
Some names said in sorrow,
Their lives so deeply mourned.

Some names were lifted up,
They needed special protection,
Life had treated them harshly,
And they dealt with much rejection.

Some were said with great concern,
They had her deep compassion,
But she gave it all unto the Lord,
Believing in His passion.

As I laid there, I would wait
My name I loved to hear,
When I heard it, at last I'd sleep,
Protected from all fear.

The power of her faith and trust,
I felt within her touch.
And nothing else within my life,
Has ever meant as much.

With faith and hope, I can face
The adversities of life I see.
I know I become the conquerer,
When I humbly get on my knees.

Grandma's gone to heaven now,
And until I join her there,
I keep her voice within my heart...
And the whisper of her prayers.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/hearmyprayer.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Hear My Prayer"
by Debbie Owens

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