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Our Future

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Jacqueline’s Junque


My beloved fellow countryman
I wonder if you realize,
The greatest blessing here for us,
Lies right before our eyes.

We've lived a life of plenty
Knowing not true devastation.
And right within our grasp each day
The future of this nation.

The freedoms we've been given
Were paid for with a price,
Our founding fathers struggled,
And made the sacrifice.

To ensure us with a country
Where there'd be no tyranny,
A nation drawn together
In peace and harmony.

Where men could persue happiness
Free of any persecution,
To raise their voice in protest,
Without fear of retribution.

And what of us, I ask you now,
We who live the legacy,
In this land we call America
A nation known as free?

Have we raised a generation
That understands the worth,
Being heirs of this great country
Thats the richest land on earth?

Or have we failed our mission,
With our future now at stake
Our children marred and ruined
Learning only how to take.

Our streets are now a war zone,
Our schools a battlefield,
By letting down our children,
Our own fate will be sealed.

We must reclaim our honor.
We must restore our pride.
Or have we become complacent,
Pushing duty and greatness aside?

Its time we stand together
Our land must heal somehow
Let's reclaim our country's legacy,
Our future is right now!

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/healourland.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Heal Our Land"
by Crabbs, Isaacs, Martin

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