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Jacqueline’s Junque


With muddy hands, forming dreams,
Dark curls framing his angelic face:
Building the biggest sandcastle of all
That anyone ever saw in this place.

From the corner of bright brown eyes
He sees standing all alone
The girl with hair spun like gold
Blue eyes looking lost and forlorn.

He beckons her with a wave of his arms
And asks if she'd join him in play
With a shy smile she kneels in the sand
The foaming sea having its way.

Tiny little hands & bright clear minds
Forming sandcastles under the sun
Creating dungeons, dragons, kings & queens,
In their dreamy, fantasy fun.

Childish giggles echo thru waves,
As I watch their angelic faces,
Such innocence radiating from their joy
Of mystical, magical places.

Closing my eyes, I capture the scene
One I'll often care to recall,
Of the children that day, creating at play
Their intrigue in sandcastle walls.

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