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Sharing Dreams

Castle Green
Jacqueline’s Junque


Share your hopes & dreams with me,
As I share mine with you.
Let me be the someone special
Who helps make them all come true.

Though our dreams may seem quite different
Let us provide some inspiration,
Encouraging each other with hope & strength
To fulfill our destinations.

My dreams, dear heart are simple
To make a difference every day,
To bring some joy, some peace, some hope
In the things I do and say.

Sharing beauty, love and honor
With the world in which I live,
Not wanting more than I deserve,
Taking no more than I give.

To stand boldly in the face of hatred
Not forgetting to show compassion,
To hold on to all I believe in,
With conviction and great passion.

Remaining true unto myself
In all that I say and do,
Reaching out in love and kindness,
I share these dreams with you.

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Written By 2001 to 2005
All Rights Reserved

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/one_dream[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "There Will Always Be a Dream"
by Donny Osmond

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