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The Tea Set

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Jacqueline’s Junque


She walked into the quiet house,
Her treasure tucked under her arm,
A box looking crushed and battered,
Hid something full of secret charm.
Opening it so gracefully,
Carefully examining each peice,
She revealed an old china tea set
And her joy quite quickly increased.

The price tag had been five dollars,
And with 3 little boys mouths to feed,
It had been an expensive purchase
And only she understood its great need.
She washed each cup and saucer
With the most exquisite care,
And placed it on Grandmother's tea cart,
With a dreamy, romantic flare.

Her little boys laughed at her silliness,
And her husband just shook his head,
For the price he calculated
Could have bought groceries instead.
How could she make them understand
What the tea set was to mean?
A future that they could not see
Her own special hopes and dreams.

The years passed by so swiftly,
And the treasure was all but ignored,
But she smiled often as she passed it
As it sat there... so proudly stored.
No one had ever dared use it....
And as little boys soon became men,
They'd forgotten their Mother's folly,
Along with the tea set by then.

They did not understand the woman
Who knew how to hope in her heart,
For little girls she could share with
Her love of the precious tea cart.
And sure as there is God in heaven
Her prayers were heard from above,
And two grandaughters later,
The tea set was now used with love.

The very vision she once had
Of tea parties with ribbons and lace,
Were finally her reality....
The secret smile still on her face.
At times we must step out in faith,
No matter how impossible it seems,
Just ask me about my tea set,
And the patience of waiting on dreams.

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