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United, We Will Stand

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Jacqueline’s Junque


In the face of controversy,
While other nations would fall;
Attacked by an evil advisary,
America still stands tall.

What is it that compels us,
That fills us with such might,
To never fail or falter,
As we fight for what is right?

It's a call from deep within us,
A passion in our soul,
Persuing the rights of freedom,
With liberty and justice the goal.

Though many think this country
Has seen it's finest hour,
They don't understand the spirit,
Behind America's power.

It's born in every child,
Lives in every woman and man,
That make up this great nation,
And United we will stand!

This page is dedicated to our President
George W. Bush
May God bless you, Mr. President

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Written By 2001 to 2005
All Rights Reserved

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/WeWillStand[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "We Will Stand"
by Eric Horner
Eric Horner
copyright 2002 Blue Chameleon Music Group (ASCAP)

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