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Where The Eagle Flies

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Jacqueline’s Junque


The fresh crisp air filled my nostrils,
The breeze from the water was fair,
And suddenly on the horizon,
The flight of the eagle was there.

Majestically headed towards heaven,
So proud, so noble and free.
Representing our great nation,
Our land of sweet liberty.

Soaring and gliding with elegance,
Swooping deep with wings spread so wide,
The symbol of our countrys freedom,
A sign of fifty state's pride.

I bowed my head down in reverance,
As tears welled up in my eyes,
Thank God I live in America,
The land where the eagle flies.

In 1992, my son at age 18 enlisted
in the US Army. From the time he was a little
boy, his dream had been to serve this country.
His date to leave home and travel to Fort Knox, KY.
was the fifth of July. On July fourth, he and I
decided to head to our favorite spot near
the Susquehanna river, for a special time alone.
As we looked out across the water, there
soaring overhead was a bald eagle.
Both of us were so moved,
never having seen one outside of captivity.
It seemed almost to be an omen.
As we watched in great awe, we both reflected
on the importance of what he was doing.
He was ready to be a man.
A man of honor and courage, just like hundreds
of thousands of other young men.
This is for him, and those like him,
who hold this nation and it's values so dear,
they are willing to pay any price
to preserve freedom.
For they know... freedom isn't free.

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/eaglesfly[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "The Eagle Flies" by Aaron Tippin

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