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Wasted Tears

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Jacqueline’s Junque



My sight blurred,
My eyes burned.
I could feel them filling
with pools of liquid.
Building up on my eyelids...
Wasted tears.

Soon they would overflow,
slide down my cheeks,
spill onto my lips,
drip off my chin,
and onto the floor...
Wasted tears.

They are mixed with feelings
of fear and anger,
hurt and rejection,
lonliness and sorrow,
even hunger and pain...
Wasted tears.

When will they dry up
and leave me drained?
I suppose they are all I possess,
all I have left of you.
And for you they are simply...
Wasted tears.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/wastedtime[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>