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First Meeting

Jacqueline’s Junque




Face pressed against the window
Eyes staring at the street
I feel my body tremble
My heart can hardly beat.
Full of fear and longing
Waiting for the time
When you would walk into my life,
And be completely mine.

No more tossing, no more turning
No more endless, sleepless nights
No more peering in the darkness
After shutting out the lights.
My chest pounding, palms are sweating
I have anguished for this day
When I would lift my eyes and see
You slowly walk my way.

And as you put your arms around me
And pull me close in your embrace,
It somehow will not matter
That I've never seen your face.
I've been breathlessly awaiting
Almost aching with a pain
For the moment I could touch you
And gently speak your name.

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