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Forget Me Nots


Think of me in moments rare,
How deeply once I tried to care;
To touch your heart with tender song,
Meant to last your whole life long.
When rain clouds turn your sky to gray,
If alone you think you face the day;
And friends are not so quick to find,
Think of me... you're on my mind.


Think of me when cold winds blow,
You'll always have a place to go;
Where arms are open to embrace,
And kisses moist caress your face.
If loneliness dare cross your path,
Or happiness has left your grasp;
Across the chasm of endless miles,
Think of me... with cherished smiles.


Think of me as time goes by,
How I couldn't let the feelings die;
Hold these thoughts in a special spot,
Where gardens grow forget-me-nots.
In spring again they reappear,
A sweet reminder of things so dear;
In shades of palest powder blue,
Remember with love... I think of you.


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