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Lonely Eyes

Jacqueline’s Junque




She looks into the mirror,
And applies her lipstick again
Tonight she's going out
And say it's with her friends.

She looks into her lonely eyes
She hangs her head in shame.
She's on her way to play again
Her pathetic cheating game.

She runs the brush through her hair
And turns off the bedroom light
Looking at his sleeping figure,
She blows a kiss goodnight.

With cold keys in her hand
She walks slowly out the door,
She knows just where she's headed
She's been down this road before.

The warm and smokey atmosphere
Greets her like a kiss
She sits herself upon her perch...
Another night of this.

She catches a glimpse of him
In the corner of her eye
She chokes for just a minute
On the tears she wants to cry.

A smug seductive smile
She has down to quite an art
She crosses her legs slowly,
Waiting for the game to start.

Their bodies move together
On the crowded dance room floor
He hold her close and whispers,
"You're what I've waited for."

Before the night is over,
She'll have used her special charms,
To help combat the emptiness
And fill her aching arms.

Quietly she rises,
Right before the break of day
He reaches for her gently
And begs her please to stay.

Lying lips say "I'll call you,"
As she walks on out the door,
She shakes the sleep from her eyes,
She got what she came for.

Entering the quiet house,
She decends the darkened stairs,
To lay beside the sleeping form,
The one who says he cares.

He doesnt even know her,
Or how she feels inside.
She's just a grand possession,
That he shows off with pride.

Holding close a pillow
To drown her muffled cries,
She prays God will forgive her,
And closes her lonely eyes.

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