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Ecstasy's Core

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Jacqueline’s Junque




Feelings overflow
When I think of you...
Each time we are together
These feelings are renewed.
They softly start as whispers,
As a soft caress upon the skin...
Slowly they begin to grow,
Till the fire of passion begins.

It is not something planned,
It just happens as we know...
Such feeling cannot be halted,
For always they continue to grow.
They burst forth into desire,
To know ecstasy's true core...
A fire burning so deeply.
The need is for more and yet more.

Is there reality in these feeling?
I believe that they are true...
For I simply cannot deny
These feelings between me and you.
Do we act upon them?
Surrendering heart and soul...
Will this sharing of ecstasy
Truly make us whole?

Or do we simply avoid them,
Do not acknowledge they are there...
Will it ease the feelings,
What exactly is this we share?
Time will tell the story,
Will we avoid or if love will grow...
Or perhaps ecstasy's core,
Is all we will come to know.

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