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I'm Wondering

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Jacqueline’s Junque




Your voice...
Is it deep and comforting,
Like the warm first rays of sun
On the sea, on a cool early morning?

Your eyes...
Are they dark and deep with a twinkle?
Like the countless stars in the sky,
On a dark, winter's moonlit night?

Your smile...
Is it like the arc of a rainbow?
Resting on the horizon for a time,
After a crashing, thunderous summer rain?

Your laugh...
Is it like the evening breeze?
Gently blowing through the leaves of trees,
After the wrath of a windswept storm?

Your face...
Maybe someday
I'll see your tender face
In some quiet and romantic place.

Or is it just a fantasy,
That one day I will know these things?
I'm wondering...

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/IknewIloved_20you[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>