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Please Remember

Jacqueline’s Junque




Maybe it seems foolish
To talk about our memories already.
We are still making so many.
Everyday seems more precious
Than the one before.
And I cherish each and every one
Of the memories we are making.
But a part of me already knows
That the day will come,
When I will sit here alone,
Holding onto only
The very memories
We are making right now...
Please Remember

Maybe it seems foolish
To talk about the way we'll remember.
We are still just beginning
To love and understand each other,
Even more as moments go by.
And I have come to adore you,
As no other I have ever known before.
But a part of me already knows,
That the day will come
When you will sit there alone,
Holding on to only
The very memories
We are making right now...
Please Remember

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/pleaseremember.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>