Jacqueline’s Junque
Passing by a sunlit window
She catches her reflection;
The outer shell of just a girl
Looking back in her direction.
Knowing whats inside her mind
She looks with great surprise,
And wonders if anyone will ever know
What lies behind deep blue eyes?
For many do not understand
The secrets of her soul;
What empties her or causes pain
Or makes her completely whole.
Why must she try to hide herself
And need so much protection?
When will she reveal the gentle girl
Within the glass reflection?
She is aware of what is kept
Inside her tender heart
But sharing that with anyone
Might tear it all apart.
Shes learned how to wear a mask
One that will not reveal
The person that she is inside,
The way she thinks and feels.
But deep within she truly longs
To forget about hurt and rejection
To honestly let her outer self
Be her spirits true reflection.
She turns away from her own eyes
Hoping soon that she can share
Her thoughts, her dreams, her passions,
How deep she loves and cares.
Finally opening up her heart
Coming into her own at last
Revealing what was locked inside
No longer hidden behind a mask
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Written By Spentheart@AOL.com © 2000 to 2005 All Rights Reserved