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You touch me and there is fire
Other times its icy cold
We push the other far away
Then run back to gently hold.

Your touch is soft as satin
Other times its hard as steel
At times you do not know me
Other times its me you feel.

You listen to the words I speak
Never hearing what I say
And when my voice goes silent
My truth is on display.

Touching me inside my heart
Running through my mind
Yet leaving me in places
That no one else can find.

Finding what is real in us
Or an intense illusion
Creates a solid ground at times
At others grand confusion.

The touch is always changing
From harsh to sweet and then
We quickly cringe and pull away
Yet are drawn to touch again.

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Written By © 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/SometimesWhenWeTouch[1][1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Sometimes When We Touch"
by Dan Hill