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This One Is For Morgan

A Bit About Me

I am 16 years old and I live in DE. I am probably one of the biggest Harry Potter dorks you will meet, I take that back, I didn't dress up for the release of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix" though I did go to the bookstore at midnight to get it. I couldn't wait to see what the fifth book held in store for Harry, Ron, Hermione and all the others. What I most looked forward to though was the magical feeling that I can't help but get when the setting is Hogwarts. I am always excited to see what michief Fred and George Weasley cook up, it always gets better! Though Draco Malfoy is quite obnoxious, I have to say he is the other reason I look forward to the books. The books just wouldn't be the same without him. Without the infamous Weasley twins and the dreaded Malfoy the stories just would't work out the same.

What I Like

Well, lets see. What does every 16 year old girl have on their mind? Boys! The ones on my mind though just happen to be out of reach! For one they are fictional characters and two the actors who play them are not exactly within driving distance. You see my predicament?

Why I Dedicate My Pages To Those I Choose To

I think that I pretty much explained this in the last two items, but for those of us who are slower I will repeat myself. I am just such a Harry Potter dork that I allowed myself to fall in love with the characters in the book. Is it my fault that the guys who play them are hot? I didn't do casting! So, hopefully I got my point through to you.

To Contact Me

If you wanna contact me for any reason you can do so by clicking on the link at the bottom, or visiting one of my other sites and doing the same on them.

James and Oliver Phelps
Tom Felton
Sean Biggerstaff
