3, 1881 A.D. 763 A.O.
A.D. 883 A.O.
Article I: Name and Meetings
Section 1:
This body shall be known and designated
as Lebanon Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Missouri, No.33.
Section 2:
The Stated Conclaves of this Commandery
shall be held at 7:00 P.M. on the Third Tuesday night of each month with
Lebanon Chapter and Council.
Article II: Officers
Section 1:
The officers of this Commandery shall
consist of a Commander, Generalissimo, Captain General, Treasurer, Recorder,
Prelate, Senior and Junior Wardens, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, Warder,
Sentinel and Three Guards, The elected Officers of this Commandery shall
be Commander, Generalissimo, Captain General, Treasurer and Recorder. The
appointive Officers shall be Prelate, Senior and Junior Wardens, Standard
Bearer, Sword Bearer, Warder, Sentinel, and Three Guards. Appointives will
be made by the Commander-elect.
Section 2:
Election of officers will be held at the
Stated Conclave in April and duly installed as soon thereafter as practicable.
Article III: Duties of Officers
Section 1:
The Commander shall require Knights under
his command to observe the By-Laws of this Commandery, The Constitution,
Statutes, Ordinances, and Edicts of the Grand Commandery of the State and
the Grand Encampment of the United States,and the usages and customs of
Templar Masonry. He shall:
a. Assure accurate records be kept.
b. Require officers to render just accounts
and proper reports.
c. Require the Recorder to make annual
returns to the Grand Commandery at the proper time, accompanied by the
annual dues and audit.
d. Attend all conclaves of the Grand Commandery
either in person or by proxy.
e. Preside at all assemblies.
f. Put all questions and motions, and
in case of tie, to give the casting vote.
g. Appoint all committees.
h. Have charge of all property of the
Section 2:
The Generalissimo and Captain General
a. Perform the duties severally assigned
them by traditional usages of the Order, and in the absence o f the Commander
shall, in order of their rank, succeed to, and be charged with, all his
power and duties. It shall the duty of both, either in person or by proxy
to attend all Conclaves of the Grand Commandery.
Section 3:
Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Prelate,
Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, Warder,Sentinel and Guards shall:
a. Perform all the several duties assigned
them by the traditional usages of the Order.
Section 4:
The Treasurer shall:
a. Receive all monies from the hands of
the Recorder, belonging to the Commandery, giving his receipt therefore.
b. Keep accurate account of all monies
c. Pay out all monies by order of the
Commander, with the consent of the Commandery.
d. To exhibit annually, and when required
by the Commandery, a statement of financial condition of the Commandery.
e. Deliver to his successor all funds
ot the Commandery, and all books, papers, vouchers, Etc. having and reference
to the financial condition of his office.
f. In consideration of the duties faithfully
performed he shall receive the sum of $25.00.
Section 5:
The Recorder shall:
a. Keep an accurate record of all the
transactions of the Commandery, including a list of officers present at
each assembly.
b. Keep a historical register of all members.
c. Collect all revenue and pay it over
to the Treasurer taking his receipt therefore.
d. Keep correct accounts of the dues of
e. File and preserve all records.
f. Prepare and transmit the annual returns
to the Grand Recorder.
g. Keep the Seal of the Commandery and
affix it to all documents emanating therefrom.
h. Furnish to the Grand Commandery, in
case of appeals, copies of evidence on trials.
i. Furnish diplomas, dimits, certificates,
etc. duly signed and sealed, when ordered by the Commandery.
j. Issue all notices and summons, when
k. Deliver all books, papers, records,
etc. to his successor in office or to a committee duly appointed to receive
l. Notify committees of their appointment.
m. Exhibit annually, and whenever required,
a statement of the financial condition and membership of the Commandery.
n. Receive annually in consideration for
his duties, faithfully performed, the sum of $1.00 per member as of December
Article IV:Membership
Section 1:
Petitions for the orders must be in good
standing, a member of the Masonic Lodge, Chapter and Council of the York
Rite, and having resided within the jurisdiction of this Commandery at
least twelve months.
Section 2:
Petitions for the orders must be signed
by the applicant, and recommended by two members of the Commandery.
Section 3:
Petitions for affiliation must be accompanied
by a dimit or some other documentary Evidence of the good standing of the
applicant and his release from membership in his former Commandery, and
shall be governed by the same usages as govern the petition for the orders.
Section 4:
If a petitioner be rejected, his petition
cannot be reconsidered until after a lapse of six months. A rejected petitioner
for membership may apply at any stated Conclave of the Commandery.
Section 5:
Any member may object orally or in writing
to the reception of a petition for the Orders or membership; or may object
to the orders being conferred upon a candidate already elected, and if
he declares his objection to be permanent, the fee shall be returned, and
the candidate, at the expiration of six months, be declared rejected, as
in the by ballot, when he may again apply for the Orders.
Section 6:
In balloting for candidates all members
of the Commandery present shall vote, and Upon the first ballot but one
black cube appears, the Commander shall cause another ballot to be taken,
which ballot shall be final.
Section 7:
No member can demit unless clear on the
books, and then only for the purpose of Forming a new Commandery, to join
another Commandery or removing out of the jurisdiction.
Article V:Fees, Dues, and Assessments
Section 1:
The fees for the Orders of Knighthood
shall be $50.00, and shall not be confered until such is payed.
Section 2:
The annual dues shall be $20.00 for each
member, until Seventy years of age or 50 years of good membership. 50 year
members will be exempt from all dues. 70 year old members, who have not
reached 50 years of membership will pay only Grand Commandery dues to the
nearest dollar.
Section 3:
The petition for reinstatement, if within
a year, shall be accompanied by the dues for that year plus the Grand Commandery
dues for the previous year. If with a dimit, the dues for that year.
Section 4:
Life Membership: Any member of this Commandery
who is and remains in good standing in the other bodies of the York Rite,
may be elected to Life Membership upon the payment of Three Hundred Dollars
($300.00). This sum shall be kept separate from all other monies, invested
as the Commandry approves, and the income therefrom be used to pay his
yearly dues to the Commandery. Any additional will remain in the fund to
support any increase in dues. The Commandery may, if found necessary, recall
the life membership and place such member(s) again on the roll of paying
member upon the return of the initial sum ($300.00) payed by such member.
At the death of any life member, the initial ($300.00) payment shall remain
in the fund, transfered to the General fund, or used as the membership
may elect.
Article VI:Trials and Penalties
Section 1:
All trials shall be conducted according
to the statutes of the Grand Commandery.
Section 2:
No member shall be suspended or expelled
except by vote of two_thirds of all members present and then only after
a fair trial on charges and specifications properly referred , and the
member afforded an oportunity to appear in his own defense, unless his
residence be unknown, when he may be tried exparte.
Section 3:
Every member of the Commandery, not exempt,
who shall fail or refuse to pay his annual dues for twelve months, shall
be processed with according to the statutes of the Grand Commandery.
Section 4:
Reprimand, suspension, or expulsion shall
be inflicted upon any Knight with in the jurisdiction for unknightly conduct,
or for violation of, or disobedience to, any of the By-Laws, statutes ,
orders, regulations or constitutions of the Order.
Section 5:
Suspensions may be removed by a two-thirds
vote, and expulsion may be removed, and the Knight restored to membership
by an unanimous vote, upon a regular petition from the applicant, and after
the same shall have been laid over one month, and referred to a committee,
who shall report on the case.
Article VII: Uniform
Section 1:
The uniform of this Commandery shall be
the same as that adopted by the Grand Commandery and published in the tactics,
proceedings and rituals.
Article VIII: Changes of By-Laws
Section 1:
Changes, additions or deletions of these
By-Laws shall be made in writing and after the second reading, if concurred
with a two-thirds vote of those present, and approved by the Grand Commander,
shall become a part of these By-Laws.
Article IX: Miscellaneous
Section 1:
Easter Sunday: To promote the spiritual
and moral welfare of the Order, and as a public acknowledgment of the blessings
and conforts we enjoy, this Commandery shall, on Easter Sunday, meet in
the Asylum and proceed in a body from thence to some place of public worship,
for Divine Service.
Section 2:
Code of Conduct:
a. When a member is about to speak he
shall rise and address the Commander, or subject himself to reprimand.
b. When the Commander, or other Knight
is speaking it shall be unlawful for a Knight to Enter, leave or cross
the Asylum.
c. No motion for reconsideration of any
question shall be in order except at a Stated Conclave when the question
shall have been decided, or at the next stated Conclave.
d. All points of order shall be decided
by the Commander.
e. No Knight shall be permitted to smoke
or chew in the asylum.
Section 3:
Order of Business: At the discression
of the Commander the order of business at every stated Conclave may be
as following.
a.Reading of the unapproved minutes.
b.Unfinished business (Bills, Sickness
& distressed ,Communications, and Treasurer’s report.
c.Report of committee on petitions.
e.Petitions presented.
f.Report of Committees.
g.Miscellaneous Business.
h.Introduction of Visitors.
i.Conferring of Orders.
Article X: Resolutions and Changes.