A Young Mother

A young mother lay in the bed of the birthing room she knew her time was near but she didn't think it was this soon her baby was comeing early and she didn't know why the poor child wasn't due 'till mid July The mother cries out, the doctor rushes in No more wiating, birth is about to begin with lots of pushing, crying, and pain the baby's half way out, they had to do it again With one final push the baby was born But it was just what the mother feared, her heart was torn she had given birth to a little girl but the poor baby was very frail the young mother cried for her baby was deformed 'It will be hard to care for a child like this' she mourned the doctor said the babies lungs weren't developed right and it wasn't likely she would make it throuhg the night Saddened at the thought, the poor mother cried and like the doctor said, that night the baby died Dont worry about the baby, she doesn't have to suffer instead pray for the poor childs mother who go on for years mourning her babies death pray someday she'll realize it was for the best And that someday, whenever it may be She'll have another baby and raise a family