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Sonic X-treme Info

It was the early days of Sega Saturn and like all the other prevous american sega consoles Segs needed a realy great Sonic the hedgehog game. As the Flagship game to show how cool the Sega Saturn was just as Sonic the hedgehog 1 did for Genesis, and Sonic CD did for Sega CD. But what game to make well they decided on Sonic X-treme which had been planed to be the great flagship game of Sega's 32x, but they decided there wasn't enough power to handle Sonic X-tremes amazing graphics. So on ??-??-199? it was anounced they would be making it for saturn the graphics would be like no Sonic game or any other game had had before. It looked like you were looking though a sphereical keyhole. It needed to be this way because the entire worlds were flipable. All you would have had to do is run though a common Sonic loop and the whole Zone ( or as some say level ) would turn upside down. Cool uh. But on ??-??-199? that changed, because Sega people over in Japan didn't think it was good enough to carry the Sonic name, so devolpment was stopped and it was canceled for good. So with the cancelation of Sonic X-treme Sega Saturn never got that great flagship title to awe its players, Although there were still other Sonic games to grace the Sega Saturn none were as amazing as Sonic X-treme would have been. ( other titles: Sonic R -racing very awsome but not an action game like most Sonic games and what had been promised. Sonic Jam -collection of Sonic games incudeing: Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic and Knuckles plus chopped full of other Sonic stuff with a 3d mini world called Sonic World like Sonic X-treme, but not a quite enough. ). There would be parts of Sonic X-treme to go into other Sonic games such as Sonic R, Sonic Jam, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. So even though we don't have it we still have parts of it and pictures to look at it in all its glory.

Magazine Articals about Sonic X-treme
By the way these magzine page scans are where I got alot of my pictures from.
