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Sonic X-treme Bosses and Badnics

Badnics Description
There are some badnics that where made before the game was canceled and here are the levels the are seen in. There were schetchs of others (see picture.) .

Boss Description
Of all the battle pictures I've seen there are some similarites. First, the bosses are extremely oversized. Second there is always a spiral of rings that comes from a circle shaped battle areana.

Jade Gully Zone's Badnics

Ability:spining spikes

Ability:hidden laser

Jade Gully Zone's Boss
I think this plant maybe is the boss of JadeGully Zone. This maybe before Nack was added.

Jade Gully Zone's Boss
I think Nack maybe the boss for Jade Gully Zone because look at the pictures above then these and you'll notice the big leave in the middle of the spiral of rings. Plus the battle circle on both sets of pictures is yellow bricks. Son I think the abue are beta (before Nack).

Crystal Frost Zone's Badnics
There aren't very many pictures of this level and the only one I got is so small I if there is a badnic I can't see it very well.

Crystal Frost Zone's Boss
Like wise no picture of boss.

Red Sands Zone's Badnics

Ability:spining spikes

Ability:hidden laser

Ability:maybe quick dash?

Ability:maybe electric charge?

Red Sands Zone's Boss
There are no pictures of the boss of Red Sands Zone.

Galaxy Fortress Zone's Badnics
Unknown there are presently no pictures available.

Galaxy Fortress Zone's Boss
I think that these pictures of Sonic fighting Metal Sonic are from Galaxy Fortress Zone's boss level.

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