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Reason/Resin Burdett/Burditt and Descendants


This is what I have found, so far, on my Burdett ancestors and family. I do not take credit for all of this information. The late Emmett Frazer worked very hard to put alot of this together. Some of the information is still not verified. Keep in mind that this is a work in progress. Like all family trees, my cousins and I hope to get this all lined out, verified and everyone of these days. Keep those corrections and updates coming in. Keep working together, with me, cousins, so we can get this thing put together, right. Love you all and thank you so much for all of your help. Love, Li

In the following genealogy files you will find the families of: Reason Burdett and Sofiah Spencer, and their son William Miller Burdett and Lucinda Long. We are still searching for siblings of William Miller and parents and siblings of Reason Burdett and Sofiah Spencer. If you can connect with what we have here, please feel free to email me.

***UPDATE*** Dear cousin, Chuck Fullhart (Martin Luther Burdett descendant) who beats the paths nonstop (yes, we both know there is something drastically wrong with him--issue after issue, not enough space to get into it all here--but, ya just love him despite this fact. LOL) has decided to truly have 2+2=4 and has found another wife for Reason Burdett, parents and looks like siblings. I'll have to get this all updated on the site, soon. Way to go Chuckles me boyo...and as YOU say..."keep on digging". I need 10 more just like you. Big hugs and I can't thank you enough for diving into this blind folded, at your age ;-), with the job you just love SO still find time to do all of this and be nutty enough to enjoy doing it just as much as *I* do! All of that on top of a ton of leg work and hours too numerous to keep a log also doing computer research...(STOP or you'll go blind LMAO) You're just the best!

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