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This pic is dated 1960, but it is a reprint of the original, taken before 1930. The couple on the far right is Cinith (Hoffman) and James C. Burdett. Are the other people Cinith's Hoffman relatives? The man to the far left appears to resemble a photo sent to me of David Milton Hoffman...but, I'm not sure.

The next three pictures were taken in 1926 in Stillwater, OK and we believe it was a family gathering or more likely after Woodward Spencer Burdett's death, July 22, 1926. Would the following four men be, from left to right: Zachary Burdett, Will Burdett, don't know and Jim C. Burdett? Any ideas?

Okay seated on this bench, we think, is Zach Burdett (left) and Will Burdett (right). Behind them, standing left to right is: Aaron Miller Burdett, don't know, Al Burdett and Jim C. Burdett. M. G. Frazer has now identified this little boy as Melburn "Babe" Luther Burdett. Please correct us if we are wrong.

Now, I don't know how many copies of this picture there are out there. I have a copy with writing on the front of it and the date 1926, Stillwater, OK and Chuck Fullhart has a copy with writing on the back. His copy just has "the whole bunch of us" written on it. On my copy, on a few of the people is written who they are. The man behind the car is Aaron Miller Burdett. The man standing to the far right in front of the car it just says "Grandpa B". Seated on the running board we are guessing is, left to right, Zach Burdett, Will Burdett and Jim C. Burdett. The woman standing in front of the car is Lottie (Holland) Burdett, Martin Luther's 3rd. wife. The man driving the car is Al Burdett and the woman beside him is his wife, Claudine (Moore) Burdett. Al is holding, possibly, William Charles Burdett. The woman in the back seat (directly behind the guy standing outside) is Addie Burdett, Will's wife. Melburn "Babe" Luther Burdett is the little boy standing outside of the car. Who is the man standing to the far right out side of the car and the other person in the back seat...and, for positive, the three men on the running board?

We have no idea who these two people are. The man's face is too shaded to get a good look at him.

Chuck Fullhart's mom looked this pic over real good and says the people in this photo are; going from this end of the table, seated: James Aaron Burdett (back to us); immediately to his right (facing the camera) is his wife Verna Burdett; to her right (just face showing) is Betty (Burdett) Fullhart; to her right is Ann(a) (Burdett) Moore; seated at the far end is Cherie (Ingram) Burdett (Benton's wife); standing to Cherie's left is Ethyl (Burdett) Schlehuber; standing to Cherie's right is Anna (Holland) Burdett; seated to Cherie's right is Lula/u (Burdette) Teter; and to Lulu's right is her husband, Floyd Teter; standing behind Floyd is Lottie (Holland) Burdett. So who are the couple seated just to the left of James Burdett? Chuck Fullhart and M. G. Frazer have this many identified...who are the last couple?

Cloney "Al" Alton Burdett is the man on the left...but, who is the couple he is with and when was it taken?

Any ideas on who this might be?