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Reason/Resin Burdett/Burditt and Descendants - pafn10 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Resin/Reason Burdett/Burditt and Descendants


168. LiRae "Li" Wyoming Skye Mullen-81

She was born Lisa Rae Mullen, and legally changed her first and middle names April 6, 1995, Independence, Jackson County, MO.

At 14 years old, she learned to play the guitar; completely self-taught and cannot read a note of music. She now has 70 plus, country songs, under copyrights and floating around Nashville.

She calls herself the "the self-appointed keeper of the Mullen family records" --just a small title...and has been "keeping" these records since the spring of 1986.

There is a hint of Cherokee in her blood, through both of her maternal grandparents and her paternal grandmother.

Li has been a Red Coss worker, baby sitter, bartender, new house construction painter, school bus driver, bakery worker at a grocery store, worked at Solo paper plate company, on a new house construction clean-up crew, waitress, short-order cook, receiving at K-Mart, lead singer in a small band in Warsaw, MO and delivered vehicles over the road...Jack-of-all-trades!!

This book has survived a few accidental erasures, after it was first typed into her old IBM. Helpful children deleting the book from her new computer. Then, recently, as of the first week of June 1998, her ACER computer ate the complete Mullen Family Book, along with the CD ROM and floppy drives. Picking up the repaired computer on June 11th, the next few, short weeks that followed, were spent typing, as much as possible, day and night, to get the book lined out and put back into the computer. Plus, all of those wonderful (#!>!@#!?##) photos to rescan and put back in [that she begged for and it takes forever to scan and enter each one into the program; but she didn't think them so wonderful when she had to work on rescanning, nearly non-stop, to make the book look as complete and presentable as possible, before the June 27, 1998 reunion]. The joys of owning a computer. HA! HA! Li feels she 'has' to do this book, as much for herself as for eveyone else. We need this. This sense of knowing where we came from. Seeing how big our family really is. Sharing the photos of us all. Although it has been frustrating to the point of wanting to throw it all away, at times... the rewards of seeing the book come together-- come to life-- have made every finger cramp and stiff neck, from typing...every 3 am bedtime...every paper cut...and that 'one more bit of info & photo received and added', worth every minute of it. She says, "I wouldn't have missed this journey for the world!!"

169. Colleen "Cokie" Kaye Mullen-82

Colleen had a 'tubal' pregnancy, while married to Keith. This resulted in the surgical loss of one fallopian tube and only half the chance to have children.

In a custody battle, Colleen lost son Kenneth to his father...she has rarely been able to see Kenneth, since he was two years old. He is now almost 14 years old.

221. LeeAnn Nicole Koller-111

Born LeeAnn Nicole Huff to Sharla and Mike. Mike signed the papers for Scott to adopt LeeAnn Nov. 12, 1993, Kansas City, Jackson Co., Missouri.

Michelle (nmn) (Beal)-124

Michelle's biological father is Donald Lee Bonney, 2nd. husband to Chuck's mother, Marva Lee (Farr) Mullen/Bonney.