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In the Beginning
In the beginning there was nothing. Nothing but vast infinite black space even darker than that of the background behind these words. But all of a sudden, something happened. It was approximately 10 to 15 billion years ago. From a single point in space, possibly a piece of dust or intergalactic foam, a Big Bang occurred. The particles were shot out in all directions, cooled, and finally coalesced into atoms (one of the most primitive particles which make up all matter).

bang < This image, is an artists impression of the Big Bang occurring 10 to 15 years ago.

Millions of years after the universe was created, it was finally cool enough for planets to begin to form. At an undetermined time, withan unknown origin, life on Earth was created. Possibly on Earth itself,or possibly from an asteroid which crashed on Earth, somehow "life found a way". From single celled organisms, life on Earth began to evolve to adapt to the changing conditions of the planet. These evolved, and evolving species began to branch out into different species. Some were better suited for land, others for water, and even some for air. One of the land species was the apes. Humans slowly evolved from the ape to become a fragile but intelligent species. Contradicted by some religions, this is one of the ideas which is nolonger a mystery and almost 100% scientific fact.

lucy The artists impression of Lucy, a Homo Erectus who's skeleton was discovered.

It only makes sense that unlike most other mammals with similar sizes, humans are the weakest (in terms of muscle). Because of their greater brain capacities, and their abilities to create hunting and self defense tools; when they evolved, they also lost most of their muscle, for they nolonger needed it.

But their greater brain capacities not only gave them the ability to hunt, and defend themselves, it also dramatically enhanced one of the maternal animal instincts. Curiosity. Who, when, where, why, how? Put simply, these are all the questions which the human kind strive to find out. They are all what was, and is to be answered in the endless domain of science.

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