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A spiritual healer is an instrument through which the Light of the Divine Intelligence
works. This Light has the perfect knowledge of where it needs to go and what it needs to do to repair and heal the body, mind, and spirit. The healer simply holds focus on this Divine Light, allowing it to perform its wondrous work.
Energy Balancing
Underlying the physical body there exists a wireless circuitry of electrical energy which makes the nerves spark, the blood flow, and all organs, tissues, cells, molecules, and atoms do their work. Knowledge of these electrical pathways and how they work are the basis of such ancient healing modalities as acupuncture, shiatsu, ayurveda, acupressure, reflexology, etc. When this flow of energy becomes blocked, this causes "dis-ease". A skilled energy worker can sense these blockages and release them, re-establishing the flow, allowing the body to heal itself.
Annointing with Oils

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