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Date of Birth: May 19, 1989(do the math to find out how old I am)
Zodiak symbol:Taurus
favorite food: Quesadillas
favorite drink: fruit punch powerade
favorite sport: volleyball
hobbies: thinking,board games,roller hockey,volleyball, laughing, running, soccer
intrests: volleyball, girls, Harry Potter, math (i know that's really nerdy but what can i say)

have you ever had a crush? tons
do you have a computer in your room? yes
what's your favorite movie? Poolhall Junkies
have you gone to more than one school? yes
do you like rollercoasters? love them
have you ever cheated on a test? probably and I just don't want to remember it
Do you have a pet? yes, cindy, she's a dog

which (do you like more)?
TV or radio? TV
dog or cat? dog
internet or encyclopedia? internet
best friend or girlfriend? best friend
video game or book? book
volleyball or football? volleyball
AOL or cable modem? cable modem for sure, much faster

Pictures of me