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Admiring Heart

Jacqueline’s Junque


I gaze at you,
with a heart
full of loving admiration.
Though you may never know,
I do understand...
the many trials and hardships
you alone have overcome.
Life's adversities
have been many
for one as gentle as you.
Yet, time and again,
I have watched you
take on each obstacle
with faith and fortitude...
never crying in defeat,
instead moving on
determined to overcome.
I, too...
know just how harsh
this world can be,
and how difficult it is
to remain true to one's self.
You may not even realize it...
but many are the times
I held onto your wise words,
keeping them as my own,
using them to get me by.
Though I may not often
say this to you,
they remain deep inside
my admiring heart,
and I love you for them.

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Written By 2001 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/yourstillyou_1_.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "You're Still You"
by Josh Groban

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