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Angel's Heart

Jacqueline’s Junque


So enamored by you,
that from our first meeting
I took a closer look inside,
to see what was hidden
beneath your outer beauty.
At first I thought ...
it was your unique sense of humor,
and the ability you had
to make me laugh so easily.
But it was so much more...
I decided perhaps
it was your character;
so bold and honest,
with your feet firmly planted
in the strict moral code
you stand upon.
Still... it was not that.
So, I looked even deeper,
into your tender caring nature,
ever willing to reach out
to a soul in need.
I even questioned your strength,
and the wisdom you used
when facing the challenges
I watched come your way
day after day.
I continued to search...
Not once did I stop admiring
the inquisitive mind you possessed,
nor the ability you had
to think things through;
Yet all the while,
you could not keep hidden
the gentle, loving spirit,
that put those you care about
far ahead of yourself.
What is it?
This beauty you possess
that keeps me drawn to you?
So I silently waited
patiently listening until
I found the answer
beating softly inside of you...
the heart of an angel.

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Written By 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/heartofanangel.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Heart Of An Angel"
By Modern Talking Heads

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