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Breathless Heart

Jacqueline’s Junque


This road my life is traveling on
Has many twists and turns;
Some days are smooth, some easy
Some with hard lessons learned.

I'm careful with my footsteps
Keeping steady on my feet;
Often stopping a long my way
For people that I meet.

There are many times I've stumbled,
And I had to slow it down;
Always looking up ahead,
For it's impossible to turn around.

I've learned to measure minutes,
Not by the breaths I take each day;
Instead I count the moments
That take my breath away.

Those times full of amazement,
When we're caught up by surprise;
Sometimes with a sweet hello,
At times by sad goodbyes.

Sometimes they're full of laughter,
At others full of tears;
That rush of sweet excitement,
Mingled with a touch of fear.

They become our precious memories,
Of a time, a place, a day;
When something deeply touched our heart,
and took it's breath away...

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Written By 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/mybreathaway.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "You Take My Breath Away"
by Eva Cassidy

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