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By Heart

Jacqueline’s Junque


I don't need to see your eyes,
to know they sparkle with mischief,
clouding over at times
with sadness,
and disappointment
when you think you've failed.

I don't need to feel your touch,
to know that your warm caress,
holds the things you love
with gentleness,
always caring deeply
about things that truely matter.

I don't need to hear your voice,
to know it can rise in anger,
yet whisper tender words
of deep compassion,
when another needs
to be conforted or consoled.

I don't need to witness your smile,
to know it's sweetness,
the way you easily break
into laughter,
swift to pass your inner joy
to those around you.

Thst's how I found you!
I already knew the way...
By Heart!

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/byheart.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "By Heart"
by Anita Cochran

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