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Grandmother's Heart

Jacqueline’s Junque


I watched my grandaughters yesterday,
Soaring towards heaven on the swings;
With angelic looks on their faces,
The only thing missing... their wings.

The dark haired one, so joyous
Has nothing but light in her heart;
The light haired one, so somber,
Has shadows that keep her apart.

Such different unique creations,
In hair, in eyes, in skin;
But even more amazing,
The differences hidden within.

Both of them, so special....
Surely the whole world can see;
That locked inside forever,
They carry the best part of me.

One carries my compassion,
Her forgiveness always intercedes;
The other has my sorrows,
She struggles with what to believe.

One carries my faith and conviction,
The other my pain and my strife;
One joyous, lighthearted and dreamy,
The other... the deep scars of life.

I long to comfort and help them,
To light up the paths they are on;
To give them a glimpse of the future,
Of what happens as life goes on.

The role I play will be simple,
With patience and love and care;
I'm helping to guide and nuture them,
Quite simply... by just being there.

They each have their own destiny,
Of which I can only play a part;
Yet deep inside them is beating,
The echo of this Grandmother's heart.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/finaldream_1_.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Final Dream"

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