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Holiday Heart

Jacqueline’s Junque


With breathless anticipation,
And smiles from ear to ear;
The children all around me know,
The holidays are near.
This is a time of magic,
Of family, hearth and home;
Expressing love and friendship,
Reaching out to those alone.

A wreath made up of holly,
Gifts gaily wrapped with bows;
Of Christmas trees and ornaments,
Egg nog and mistletoe.
A time for making memories,
That hopefully will last;
Remembering with happiness,
The holidays from the past.

Greeting cards with wishes
Of love, of joy, and peace;
Time honored traditions,
Help anchor our beliefs.
The soft glow of candlelight,
Bells ring out the season's cheer;
Restoring hope in all of us,
At this special time of year.

Cherish all these moments,
Find joy in all the giving;
Times like these give reason,
And make our life worth living.
When decorations are put away,
And the new year finally starts;
May you keep the seasons spirit alive,
Beating in your holiday heart.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/wonderfuldream.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Wonderful Dream"
by Melanie Thornton

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