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Human Heart

Jacqueline’s Junque


I remember the way I made you smile,
As we slowly became part of one another.
It was almost too good to be true,
and more than my human heart could bear.
There were far too many obstacles between us,
But we clung to eachother anyway,
Savoring each moment of the magic
that had somehow found its way to us.
The promises that we made
still echo deep inside my soul.
unbroken and cherished forever.
We learned how to enjoy eachother
without possessing or smothering the other,
for there was deep trust between us.
We found a place we fit so perfectly,
I was always certain we would make it.
I swore nothing would come between us,
Believing that friendship and love
would always be enough to get us through.
When the promises were forgotten,
A wall went up between us.
Once again it was almost more
than my human heart could bear.
I tried to reach inside the memories
to find the miracle we created,
though you warned me it would only hurt.
The day came you moved on...
past me and what we shared.
It was I who stayed stuck in the dream,
aching inside alone, wanting to bring you back.
I finally realized.... I never could.
But I still cannot stop the moments,
when I love you beyond the limits
of my human heart,
and still long to believe
you will always be mine.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/youwillalwaysbemine_1_.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "You Will Always Be Mine"
by Colin Raye

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