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Knowing Heart

Jacqueline’s Junque


My heart knows....
the lonliness of seperation,
The ache of empty arms
that yearn to be filled.
By some twisted act of fate
our love is restricted,
denied to us both.

My heart knows....
it has loved you before,
in other moments in time
in other places, other lives...
for you reside
in the very fibers of my soul.
We are each part
of the same whole.

My heart knows....
what there was between us,
what there now is between us,
and what shall be between us.
For we are peices
of the same being,
and will be together again
somewhere in time.

My heart knows...
this love was not destined
to die a painful death,
but instead it was meant
to transcend the ages of time.

My heart knows...
and it will be patient,
not giving in to the weariness
that comes from waiting.
it will play out
the merciless hand it was dealt,
accepting this moment
of limitation,
because we shall rise up again,
to reunite once more,
entwined forever.

My heart knows....

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/Deepinmyheart.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Deep In My Heart"
by St. Somewhere

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